Mandated Literacy in the Dominican Republic
Blessings, on January 10 this year the government has mandated literacy for children as young as 2 years of age and for adults residing in the Dominican Republic. It is a major prayer answered. It was one of my main goal coming here, to start a pre K school. But with support for that effort and myself it was impossible. Much prayer without relenting have gone into this.
This is a testimony for the Lord, that HE still works the same way He did thousands of years ago, when He wanted Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem, He cause the government to impose a tax that require folks to return to their native land, hence Jesus of Bethlehem.
As I wrote to my home church that God was being an El-Shaddai to me, the above is one public example. Now the people of the Batey has started to receive free education without anyone's personal money; or should I follow the Apostle Peter and Paul to say filthy money; 1 Peter 5.2 and 1 Timothy 3.3. Paul writing to the Corinthians in the known first epistle chapter 9.6 Whosoever sows sparingly, reaps sparingly, and whosoever sows bountifully, will also reaps bountifully. in verse 7 the gift must be from the heart because this is what God loves. Moses refers to this gift Paul was speaking of as" food of your God, Levit.22.25" NIV. So out of nothing the mighty God create much,El-Shaddai. Thanks be unto God for His unsearchable riches".
God answers prayer with or without our effort, that bring Him glory. Thanks be unto God when He gives the opportunity for us to be a part of whatever He is doing.
January 12th is the anniversary for the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Please remember to pray for the families of Haiti as they remember loved ones
"Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.
This is a testimony for the Lord, that HE still works the same way He did thousands of years ago, when He wanted Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem, He cause the government to impose a tax that require folks to return to their native land, hence Jesus of Bethlehem.
As I wrote to my home church that God was being an El-Shaddai to me, the above is one public example. Now the people of the Batey has started to receive free education without anyone's personal money; or should I follow the Apostle Peter and Paul to say filthy money; 1 Peter 5.2 and 1 Timothy 3.3. Paul writing to the Corinthians in the known first epistle chapter 9.6 Whosoever sows sparingly, reaps sparingly, and whosoever sows bountifully, will also reaps bountifully. in verse 7 the gift must be from the heart because this is what God loves. Moses refers to this gift Paul was speaking of as" food of your God, Levit.22.25" NIV. So out of nothing the mighty God create much,El-Shaddai. Thanks be unto God for His unsearchable riches".
God answers prayer with or without our effort, that bring Him glory. Thanks be unto God when He gives the opportunity for us to be a part of whatever He is doing.
January 12th is the anniversary for the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Please remember to pray for the families of Haiti as they remember loved ones
"Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.