Dominican Rep

  • no rights or citizenship
  • no education (many cannot read or right)
  • social justice and assistance is much needed
For more information, please see the explanation from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Blue Jeans Ministry previously worked with Bro. Francis Alcegerie to build a school to help educate the children.

Bro. Francis Alcegerie is a Haitian resident in the Dominican Republic, a born again believer, married with a step daughter and has been ordained to lead the Bateye church as well as efforts to restore the community.

Documents and licenses were recently attained by both Pastor Cal Dunnon and Pastor Francis Alcegaire (2012).

"I want to share with you that on Thursday of this week I met with our president in Santo Domingo for a strategy planning at which time I was presented with my license to work with the foundation; Agape Ministries Center,AMC Foundation. He assured me that the attorney had all appointments published in their national
newspaper ElDiario October of 2011 which can be accessed on the
What this means that I will have little or no hindrance in obtaining information in this country and travel without much delay by both their police and military. The Dominican Republic is a military police state and there are road blocks only a few as 3 miles apart in the rural areas especially towards its border.
I am still awaiting for a certified copy of my birth papers to be able to apply for residency. In the city of San Pedro the people are very receptive to the gospel. They allowed me to distribute religious pamphlets in the waiting room.
One pastor share a 15 minutes word to the waiting patients. I have also been able to distribute Bibles to a few homeless families and at a small church which i visit in this city.
The country will be having national election in March of this year, please pray that the new president will continue to allow freedom of the Gospel and reach out to the overwhelming poor. The country's population is approximately 15 millions of that, about 3 millions are Haitians many of whom are undocumented.
Please pray that God will send more relief to help the poor; and for myself also that the commitments my sending church has made will be realized in God's timing. Also pray for the water system here to improve, the water is not good for consumption and electricity is given randomly. God will be glorified." - Cal

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