Showing posts with label Christian Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Education. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sunday's Bible School

These are the days of Elijah! 
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Praising the Lord for these children and parents who have been with me for almost 3 years, and now are part of the Bible School. Also, praising our Lord for the opportunity to share in His vineyard.
Today we had a great [time] at our Bible School. It would surprise many to learn that Sunday morning is not necessarily a big church time [for Christians]; some [Christians] do have services during the night whereas most morning services are Catholic or Haitian. I do belong to a small Baptist church which meets for two hours in the morning, so that leaves me with the rest of day to work with my youths.

"Some folks get water once or twice per month
                                     but do not have the capacity to store it."

The children like to present pantomime based on popular CDs, and also teaching a few in English as well such as "The Days of Elijah, and Am Trading my Sorrow"
I got a small booklet which I am using and help has been promised by Family of God, pastor Nolasco and Congregation to provide Sunday School materials, beginning in April.

My main assistant has been diagnosed with Sickle Cell anemia and has had, for the past two months, serious crises rendering her unable to return.

Many of the parents do not work, as a matter of fact, these folks do not have running water and we are hoping to build water cistern and well where possible.

Some folks get water once or twice per month but do not have the capacity to store it. A Cistern would give them enough water to last for at least the two weeks and if that should go dry, they would be able to purchase water from the truck.

Food and water are two of the basic things that support life. In the developed world these are not things people ponder, but here it’s a daily consideration. As a result, many families do not send their children to school, here lies the cycle of the problem.

There are many other challenges but the Lord works on them one at a time.  Thank you for praying and your love and support

Your brother in the field,

pastor Cal Dunnon