Saturday, August 7, 2010

Haiti's Medical Trip June 2009 G.W.

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Calville Dunnon <> wrote:
From: Calville Dunnon <> Subject: Haiti's Medical Trip June 2009 G.W. Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 9:26 AM
Because God has opened our eyes to the great need of the poor, suffering from malaria, malnutrition, emphysema and other diseases we are planning a medical trip for Creve, Haiti. Towards the end of June, 2009. There are 4 Orphanages, a technical school, an elementary school and people from the surrounding community would stand to benefit. If you or someone you know who might be interested in lending a hand or to teach a class or to show compassion, we invite you to join us on this (W.A.T.C.H) world adventure Teaching Christ, Humanity.
medical doctors are also needed, and others, Rn's, etc. Computer skill, Academic teaching, Trade: Plumbing, Carpentry etc.
Medical inerns are required to give some community service, please invite them to participate on this or futre trips.
Each believer is responsile to answer the command of our Lord Jesus as is found in Matthew 28:19-20 going to teach Christ's character; and this is just an opportunity to do so.
The trip should cost about a thousand dolars, which would include air fare, room and board and transportation in Haitti. Two of the greatest highlites of the trip are to witness the Holy Spirit move in a visible way, healing and demonstrating praise; secndly, the food is great. some of the best i have had anywhere. Most importantly, You wil have had an opportnity to partcipate in the vision of Out of Every Nation and People: Rev. 5:9 blessings, cal dunnon
PS:If you are not able to go, send someone. Sponsor someone by donating the cost of the trp. Thanks in advance for your vision.
Roosevelt Bible Church, 160 Nassau Road
Roosevelt, New York 11575
516-867-5645 Ofice
516-643-3582 Cel
"Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me. MATT. 25: 40 LETS UNITE TO FEED THE HUNGRY OF THE WORLD.

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