Saturday, August 22, 2020

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sustainable Development Goal #2: Zero Hunger -

We want to thank all of our supporters for their dedication and commitment to reaching souls for Christ.
FMSC has contributed this video to share.
Help FMSC feed the kids that are hardest to reach!!! from Driftwood Media on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

...some of the Hatian children we serve

Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2015 5:48 PM
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus. Here in Santo Domingo Sector #2, I work and live among two of the greatest cultures in our hemisphere and the oldest. Right here there are as many Haitians as there are Dominicans. Life is difficult for everyone but more so for the Haitians. Both Haitians and Dominicans have difficulties obtaining legal papers, if the born Dominicans were not declared by the parents, or Registered, they cannot get a birth certificate. This part of the story is told about the Haitians but not the Dominicans. I know and work with a number of these Dominicans who cannot vote, get a government job or a job from a large company. Firstly, like the Haitians, they cannot complete school to receive a diploma. 

But here is why this is also very difficult for the Haitians. Many of the undocumented Haitians who has worked for many years in the sugarcane industry do apply for their papers with the Haitians government here in Santo domingo and have difficulty getting it. Recent article in el Dia a local newspaper shows many Haitians demonstrating at the Haitians embassy demanding that they return $RD 4.6 millions of pesos that they have paid and have not received the documents. So as you will see that both of these government make it difficult for their citizen to participate in the society.

The Dominican govern has made it free for those born here to receive their documents once the parents apply. This is for both Haitians as well as Dominicans. Many Haitians are charging a fee to prepare documents, adding new pressure on these impoverish people.
Many of these beautiful children who now come to our daily VBS cannot read, and I found out when 

I request children to volunteer and read. Their parents do not register them in school. Some of these poor parents give them to other Haitians who have a more stable life, with the hope that they would send them to school but it does not happened either. Because of this obvious need, I am planning to continue to provide basic education to both Haitians and Dominicans even after the summer program is completed.

....Here is where you come in, please pray for these children that God will open doors for their future, and that they will have a mind to learn and that as they learn they will readily learn of the Messiah who loves them eternally. Prayer does open door to all kinds of other things, so just start by praying. I thank you for praying.
Now back to the 7th week of VBS tomorrow, please pray for our strength as we prepare breakfast , the word of God and Lunch for many children each day. Aslo pray for me and the helpers who are with me daily.

May God bless you and your ministry, James 5.17-18

Your brother in the mission field
Cal Dunnon

Saturday, July 11, 2015

First Missionary arrived safely

Praise belongs to God, my first missionary has arrived, I was so happy, I told her God was using her to confirm my work.
The owner received the house empty late yesterday, so he gave me the keys late last night. We weren't able to see the place good but we saw a few things that need to be addressed.
There were 75 children and about 25 adults here to celebrate her arrival. she was very impressed, many of them greeted her in English, she was even more impressed and surprised. The children greeted her, sing songs in both English and Spanish and Pantomime.
Sister Lorraine sent two Barrels ahead of her coming and they were delivered yesterday, we didn't open them but she c
me and sa
that we should so hopefully in the morning.
There was another surprise: She said, O, I forgot, a sister and her husband send you and envelope, she said I gave her some
​ ​
kind of CD, I just remember that I had some DVD and gave them to many people, including Rosa, Francis  and many others in the DR and New York. Well, this lady sent me a thank you note I the
​some money
, and I said O
my God
God made me feel stupid because that is who and what I am before a Holy God. I needed
​additional funds
 tomorrow and I know that it might seems crazy but now I believe its a confirmation of my work.
​We are a few
dollars Richer but a Million more in God's kingdom, Thank you Lord, Bless you Lord in the Holy name of Jesus, I love you Lord in the Holy name of Jesus, Love dad

 "Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.

Our Children Got the Highest grades in School year

News from the mission field. 

Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus. The children in our program just got their grades this week and the children who lived with me during the school year not only got %100 present but Grabriela got %120 the highest grade in the school, Noel got %100, no other children got this grade, even our brightest child in our program got %95 per cent. Before returning 2 children because of the Mother harassment, there was another smaller child who the mother forced to return, he also failed and must repeat his class.
I think this is very significant especially when we had a very difficult time placing them in the same school.
Please continue to pray for the ministry. God bless you,
Your brother in the field. Cal dunnon

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sunday's Bible School

These are the days of Elijah! 
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Praising the Lord for these children and parents who have been with me for almost 3 years, and now are part of the Bible School. Also, praising our Lord for the opportunity to share in His vineyard.
Today we had a great [time] at our Bible School. It would surprise many to learn that Sunday morning is not necessarily a big church time [for Christians]; some [Christians] do have services during the night whereas most morning services are Catholic or Haitian. I do belong to a small Baptist church which meets for two hours in the morning, so that leaves me with the rest of day to work with my youths.

"Some folks get water once or twice per month
                                     but do not have the capacity to store it."

The children like to present pantomime based on popular CDs, and also teaching a few in English as well such as "The Days of Elijah, and Am Trading my Sorrow"
I got a small booklet which I am using and help has been promised by Family of God, pastor Nolasco and Congregation to provide Sunday School materials, beginning in April.

My main assistant has been diagnosed with Sickle Cell anemia and has had, for the past two months, serious crises rendering her unable to return.

Many of the parents do not work, as a matter of fact, these folks do not have running water and we are hoping to build water cistern and well where possible.

Some folks get water once or twice per month but do not have the capacity to store it. A Cistern would give them enough water to last for at least the two weeks and if that should go dry, they would be able to purchase water from the truck.

Food and water are two of the basic things that support life. In the developed world these are not things people ponder, but here it’s a daily consideration. As a result, many families do not send their children to school, here lies the cycle of the problem.

There are many other challenges but the Lord works on them one at a time.  Thank you for praying and your love and support

Your brother in the field,

pastor Cal Dunnon

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We Did It!

Blessings, although I am locked away on a tiny Island, I try to stay in the loop my doing what is most effective, lending a voice to those who would not otherwise be heard. As we visited the children Hospital for the 4th times this week and see the sick babies only weeks old with major problems from liver cancer to hydrocephalus and the parents mourning  realize i must do much more. As the Lord allows I hoping to petition some of our elected official as I did back in the seventies and eighties and were heard on behalf of poor children, lack of medicines, food and housing here in the Dominican Republic
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: World Food Program USA <>
> calville —
> We have good news to share with you! Last week, we asked you to tell Congress to keep funding emergency relief that brings food to people in times of crisis.
> And your voices were heard. 
> After receiving thousands of letters from supporters like you, leaders across the aisle in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives took action. They passed legislation that means critical international food assistance will continue to reach families and children in times of emergency—when food matters most. 
> Solving global hunger is one issue that all Americans can come together on. This is a real victory and we should all feel proud. 
> Thank you for being a part of it! Let's keep raising our voices together and making sure everyone has the food and nutrition needed to lead healthy, productive lives. 
> Thank you!
> World Food Program USA
> ________________________________
> World Food Program USA is a nonprofit organization that builds support in the United States to end global hunger. WFP USA engages individuals and organizations, shapes public policy and generates resources for the United Nations World Food Program and other hunger relief operations.
> ________________________________
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> World Food Program USA
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> --
>  "Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Baptist Service this Morning

Blessing, As I sit having my favorite quaker oats cereal before going to church, I am reminded of the homes I have adopted that only have dirt flooring, I will be giving two beds to one family has only one bed to share for 5 people, the youngest is 14 yr old. I was contemplating why it is so offensive to me. then I guess its the Lord reminded me that when my father built his first house in Jamaica in 1950, it only had dirt flooring and plaster made of horse manure and dirt. But I still think Christ compassion has something to do with it also. please continue to pray so that God will open my eyes to many ways I can affect the lives of the poor

"Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mandated literacy in the DR

Mandated Literacy in the Dominican Republic

Blessings, on January 10 this year the government has mandated literacy for children as young as 2 years of age and for adults residing in the Dominican Republic. It is a major prayer answered. It was one of my main goal coming here, to start a pre K school. But with support for that effort and myself it was impossible. Much prayer without relenting have gone into this.

This is a testimony for the Lord, that HE still works the same way He did thousands of years ago, when He wanted Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem, He cause the government to impose a tax that require folks to return to their native land, hence Jesus of Bethlehem.

As I wrote to my home church that God was being an El-Shaddai to me, the above is one public example. Now the people of the Batey has started to receive free education without anyone's personal money; or should I follow the Apostle Peter and Paul to say filthy money; 1 Peter 5.2 and 1 Timothy 3.3. Paul writing to the Corinthians in the known first epistle chapter 9.6 Whosoever sows sparingly, reaps sparingly, and whosoever sows bountifully, will also reaps bountifully. in verse 7 the gift must be from the heart because this is what God loves. Moses refers to this gift  Paul was speaking of as" food of your God, Levit.22.25" NIV. So out of nothing the mighty God create much,El-Shaddai. Thanks be unto God for His unsearchable riches".

God answers prayer with or without our effort, that bring Him glory. Thanks be unto God when He gives the opportunity for us to be a part of whatever He is doing.

January 12th is the anniversary for the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Please remember to pray for the families of Haiti as they remember loved ones

 "Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

ID card, Agape Mission Center Foundation

Blessings of our Lord Jesus. I want to share with you that on thursday
of this week I met with our president in Santo Domingo for a strategy
planning at which time I was presented  with my license to work with
the foundation; Agape Ministries Center,AMC Foundation. He assured me
that the attorney had all appointments published in their national
newspaper ElDiario October of 2011 which can be accessed on the

What this means that I will have little or no hindrance in obtaining
information in this country and travel without much delay by both
their police and military. The Dominican Republic is a military police
state and there are road blocks only a few as 3 miles apart in the
rural areas especially towards it's border.

I am still awaiting for a certified copy of my birth papers to be able
to apply for residency.
In the city of San Pedro the people are very receptive to the gospel.
They allowed me to distribute religious pamphlets in the waiting room.
One pastor share a 15 minutes word to the waiting patients. I have
also been able to distribute Bibles to a few homeless families and at
a small church which i visit in this city.

The country will be having national election in March of this year,
please pray that the new president will continue to allow freedom of
the Gospel and reach out to the overwhelming poor. The country's
population is approximately 15  millions of that, about 3 millions are
Haitians many of whom are undocumented.

Please pray that God will send more relief to help the poor; and for
myself also that the commitments my sending church has made will be
realized in God's timing. Also pray for the water system here to
improve, the water is not good for consumption and electricity is
given randomly. God will be glorified. Cal

 "Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the
have done unto me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Joint Service (Culto)

From: Calville Dunnon <>
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 6:04 PM

Greetings, The Roosevelt Bible Church and The Centro Evanjelical De
Familio De Dios are Having a Joint Service on Sunday November 20th, at
11:AM. Pastor Lorenzo Maison will be the speaker.
the meeting will take the form of worship and Praise to be followed by
Fellowship of food and conversation.

At this meeting, we are planning to present the recommendation of the
Search Committee thru its Chairman pastor Renelus Maxime and to ask
the participation of both congregations in voting on the committee's
recommendation. Candidate Derrick Sepaul will be presented to the
congregation for their decisions.

If all goes well, there will be an ordination of Bro Sepaul the
following week or as soon as is feasible.

Please remember to pray for me as I leave to visit with my children
and grandson in N. Carolina and afterword the Mission Field in the
Dominican Republic.

The church will be in need of our Prayer. Request, Intercessions,
supplication and Thanksgivings to God for His Grace and Mercies.

1Timothy 2. 1

 "Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the
have done unto me.