Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Update on pastor Maxim'e Trip

--- On Tue, 2/2/10, Calville Dunnon <> wrote:
From: Calville Dunnon <> Subject: New Update on pastor Maxim'e Trip Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 12:45 PM
Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow. Just a short update on what we are presently doing. pastor Maxime and his father Bishop Maxime arrived in Haiti late friday night, entering thru the Dominican Rep. I spoke with him sunday and was told that he has already purchased $1,600 worth of food and distribute in the small area and church and school children, but only a very few people benefited because everything cost twice as much as when we were there a few weeks ago. We sent him another $700 dollars on monday, with the hope he can help to ease the hunger. He reported that no aid has reached that area as yet. He was encourage to go to the city and try to appeal to whom ever is distributing. We also encourage him to try and get in touch with some of our EFCA people in Cape Haitian, to see if they may have extra supplies and also able to help make some contact possible His wife also told me that she was given a hundred dollars which she will forward to him. At this time, Western Union is not charging to transfer monies to Haiti.
He was able to move the 29 Orphans from the house to safer locations with few reputable families, and provided them with support; The house was badly damage.
Ephesians 6:7-8 and 12
We are so grateful that God has touched so many hearts and has expressed His compassion thru them for the disastrous condition in Haiti.
Things have been horrible in Haiti now for many years, and that's why so many Americans and others have been faithfully supporting them.
Thank You So Very Much For the Financial and and Faithful Prayers Afforded some of the poorest people. Please pray also that the word of God will be received gladly and be effective in the lives of the adults as well as the children.
We are hoping to take a small group of 3-5 people to do assessment and assistance in the coming weeks.
A brother who is an Architect has volunteer to go with us. Also two building contractors, please pray for wisdom and Holy Spirit direction and additional resources.
In Christ Jesus, pastor cal -- "Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me. MATT. 25: 40 LETS UNITE TO FEED THE HUNGRY CHILDREN OF THE WORLD.

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