Friday, December 11, 2009

Its now December 11, Dad and his mission crew have successfully completed their second mission trip of 2010. I felt even more honored by their dedication upon their departure. The Haiti trip lasted from December 1st - 8th.
I have communicated with Dr. Herndon at the Duke Eye Center the dire need for medicines for people with eye diseases in Haiti and Cuba. Dad's mission was intended on also reaching a specific orphanage in Cuba, however, the means to travel to Cuba at this time period is difficult. Nonetheless, Dr. Herndon was really cool about helping out. Only thing was, we were unable to secure a reputable clinical contact in time for him to connect with a source of meds. The next trip is set for May and hopefully we will be abundantly blessed by assistance from Duke and other philanthropic sources. Here is Dad's comments on the trip:

Mission Accomplished, Glory to GOD Friday, December 11, 2009 2:15 PM

Blessings, and many thanks to so many of you who assisted us in the recent mission trip to Haiti. We planned to also visit Cuba, but it was not in His will, God knows best. God used us to minister to so many needs to so many people in Haiti both in the capital of Port au Prince and in the city of Kenscoff which is about 35 miles North East of the capital. I shared in the word on three different occasions, Tuesday night, Friday night and at the Sunday morning service. Of the four of us that went on the trip, three of us stayed at the Mission/Orphanage in the capital except for one night in Kenscoff.
We were royally treated by the staff and Madam Harris and pastor Junior. I slept in the room I have slept in since I first went in 1999 and the ladies shared one room. There were three other empty beds in my room. We were served three meals per day and had full use of the facilities, telephone, Internet, piano and interaction with the children and young adults and staff. I want to mention some of the gifts we received because it tells some of what happens. Although we raise funds to help pay for our expenses, this time all the funds we raise went directly to help in Orphanages for food and staff. Thanks to Bro. Freddie Green who sends $50 from Miami, Fl this money was used to buy food for some starving children in Kenscoff. Pastor Bill Sweeting came from Vroom Street Church in NJ to give us $200, this help to pay for back wages for people working in Orphanage in Creve. Gospel Baptist Church in Richmond Hills, sent $223 which also went to pay teachers at the Orphanage. Sis Stella Smith $50 went to help buy food at Orphanage in Kenscoff.

The teachers at both the Orphanage work for less money than the teachers in other schools, as a matter of fact, pastor Junior shared with me that they are actually paid below the minimum wage at $50.US per month. When we went, they were owing the teachers 3 months in wages, and mind you, things are more expensive in Haiti's supermarket than they are in the US.

One of the most striking thing to me was 23 children in an Orphanage in Kenscoff, in a building I was afraid to walk in because of fear of getting germs. I could not hold back my tears when I saw the horrible condition of beds without mattress, falling ceiling, sun light coming thru the roof and the vermin around the walls and floors. no water system, no shower, kitchen, one out house. no window pane in some windows and no linen on beds, skimpy clothes on children.......the urgency here is to relocate them in a humane environment and to provide responsible staff to supervise them. People in general can be vulnerable in Haiti, just think what might be happening to these Orphants. The parents cant afford to take them back since they dont have the food to give them and some cases the room to keep them... It will take about $4000 to put them in a decent place, provide food and responsible staff, "everyone whose heart God has moved" Ezra 1:5
Thank you and may God richly reward:Proverbs 19:17 cal dunnon
"Jesus said, ' Inasmuch as you have done to one of the have done unto me.

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